WELCOME to the website of Dianne Crandell Kerns, Chapter 13 Trustee for Southern Arizona. The purpose of this site is to enhance the services we provide to all parties involved in chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings handled by this office.

My staff and I look forward to working with you
throughout the life of the plan. We are committed to assisting the bankruptcy community through
information, education and rehabilitation. It is our goal to maintain
a standard of excellence in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy administration while
protecting the interests of the parties.
We encourage you to browse through our website. We particularly encourage you to review the section of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), which should address many of the inquiries or concerns you may have.
NDC QR Code - Access your case info National Data Center
Document Submission Portal: BKDocs.us
Payments can be made online through this site: TFS BillPay
Submit an Adequate Protection request online A/P online request form
For other payment questions: FAQ
Join Currently Active 341 Meeting: Here
Contact Us
- Correspondence
Dianne C. Kerns Trustee
31 N. 6th Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office: (520) 544-9094
Fax: (520) 989-6269
Email: Mail@dcktrustee.com
Office Hours
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Dianne C. Kerns Trustee
P.O. Box 366
Memphis, TN 38101-0366